Essay by lieschkebJunior High, 9th gradeB+, October 2014

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Ben Lieschke official newspaper.

In the 18th and 19th century's Britain saw a market to trade with China, this came at a perfect time because there was a big increase of the technology such as better boats allowing them to trade more often with places farer away. Because of the increase in trade, the Chinese government decided to put a limit on trade to the Canton region and the months of October the march. Selected merchant families managed trade in and out of China. In 1793 Lord Macartney left Britain for China to try and get rid of the Canton system because the British didn't like it at all. It was hoped the Macartney would be able to expand trade in China and gain get traders to be able to live closer to silk and tea producing areas. To accompany Macartney there was 100 other men who came with many gifts to impress the Chinese.

The trip was a total failure, Britain did not get anything out of it mainly because China did not want anything from Britain.

The British East India Company did not like the restrictive trading in China. There was many thing that Europe wanted from China, the biggest being tea, but China didn't want anything from Europe except silver. The value between silver and tea was very imbalanced so Britain decided to trade opium. Opium was illegal in China but The British East India Company ignored than ban and traded it anyway. By the 1820's China was importing enough opium to sustain the needs of 1 million addicts. By 1838 there was 10 million addicts and it was starting to affect China's economic status by making it weaker. Opium was terribly impacting China's society. Opium addicts were becoming unable to work and fulfill their duties. Opium...