Organizing in Critical Thinking

Essay by glloydjr72University, Bachelor'sA+, April 2004

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Organizing in Critical Thinking

Some powerful thinkers say that the human mind is born with data and information already in place. As soon as we are born we already have innate ideas (Plato). That space and time are structures of the mind (Kant). Hume says that cause and effect are the mind's way of ordering reality. Although it is difficult to prove the list of thinkers goes on but the one thing this goes indicate is the human brain is ready to receive, store, retrieve, process, and interpret that data in a symbolical manner. Our brains process this data by placing it in a natural and mental order.

There are four natural and thousands of mental orders that have been developed. The four natural orders; topical, analogical, chronological, and causal that are also mental. I will touch briefly on these four. Topical order in simple terms means its natural place.

Therefore water will always flow to the lowest point. Analogical order is seeing similarities, such as a circle and wheel, both being round. Chronological order simply put means we see change and interpret it; live to death. Last of the orders is causal order. Meaning behind changes we look for answers. Someone dies we look to see how or why.

When we look to make sense of the data we got from the above orders we take steps to processing it. There is an effective three step process; cluster, analyze, and prioritize. Take the data you have and cluster it in simple groups. We look at the data and place them in groups of similarities. Then you analyze the groups. In this step you determine weather to omit, add, keep as is, or change the clusters. The last step is to prioritize. Here you analyze and place the...