Osmosis summary and how to set up an experiment where one could figure out the molar of unkown solutions

Essay by racerchik88High School, 10th gradeA+, February 2004

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Diffusion is defined as the spontaneous tendency of a substance to move down its concentration gradient from a more concentrated to a less concentrated area. This means that molecules move from an area of where there is a high concentration of them to where there is a low concentration. Osmosis is said to be the diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane. A membrane is said to be selectively permeable because it only allows some substances to cross more easily then others. When you have two aqueous solutions water tends to move from where there is a high amount of concentrated water to where there is a high amount of solute. This can also be said as water moving from a hypotonic (high water concentration) to a hypertonic (low water concentration) solution. This is an example of a substance moving down its concentration gradient.

In order to set up an experiment where one could figure out the molars of these unknown solutions you would need a four beakers, a graduated cylinder, 4 dialysis tubes labeled 1,2,3,4, and string.

Also the tubing has to be permeable to water but not to any types of sugar. First tie one end of each of the dialysis tubes with a string near the bottom very tightly in order to prevent leaking. Then place 250 ml of distilled water in the beakers. It is essential that distilled water is used because it is free of all impurities. Also it is important that the water is all the same temperature so that variables can be purged. Then add 10 ml of solution A, B, C, and D to each one of the dialysis tubes 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively. Tie the other end of the tube with a string but leave room...