Outline in detail the role and impact of three organisations that women were heavily involved in during world war one.

Essay by nattievHigh School, 12th grade April 2004

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During World War One (1914-1918) there were many organisations that women were involved in and these organisations greatly contributed to the war effort. The women of World War One were heavily involved in keeping the home front operational whilst the men were away fighting the war. Three major organisations that the women of World War One were involved in were The Women's Land Army, The Order of the White Feather and The Women's Peace Party.

World War One was to give women the opportunity to show a male-dominated society that they could do more than simply bring up children and tend a home. In World War One, women played a vital role in keeping soldiers equipped with ammunition and in many senses they kept the nation moving through their help in manning the transport system.

With so many young men volunteering to join the army, and with so many casualties in Europe, a gap was created in employment and women were called on to fill these gaps.

World War One was to prove a turning point for women. At the start in August 1914, those in political power had been left angered by the activities of the Suffragettes and women had no political power whatsoever. By the end of the war, in November 1918, women had proved that they were just as important to the war effort as men had been and in 1918 women were given some form of political representation.

Women found employment in transport, nursing, factories making ammunition, the Women's Royal Air Force where they worked on planes as mechanics, on farms in the Women's Land Army, in shipyards etc. Before 1914, these jobs had been for men only (with the exception of nursing).

The Women's Land Army held the responsibility of looking after the agricultural...