The Pacific at War World War II World War 2 WWII United States agianst Japan Navy at war Japanese Military

Essay by nbaig123University, Master'sA+, April 2004

download word file, 10 pages 4.6

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"War: a state of open armed, often prolonged conflict carried on between nations, states or parties."1 War is a familiar concept to everyone in all its harsh brutality, endless chaos, and not always an adequate peaceful end. Some wars are political, some racial, and some just utterly disarray of destruction. In all cases, World War II was all these wars combined to cause what is referred to as the war to end all wars due to the extensive damage caused. World War II was more hectic than the preceding war because there were two major offensives, one in the Pacific area encompassing the islands in the Pacific south east, and the European war.

War in the Pacific was extremely dangerous because in order to conduct war in the Pacific a nation had to have a formidable sized fleet of carriers, battleships, and cruisers. One hit could paralyze a ship completely; soldiers on both sides in the Pacific did not have the benefit of land to which they could daringly escape.

One either stayed on board or jumped off into the warm waters of the ocean and awaited fate, most of the time in the hands of sharks.

One cannot imagine how war is or how it feels unless the experiences are in their possession. Yet all those whom possess this knowledge wish to let it go because the agonizing memories run through their minds time after time. To us they might be just memories of war, but the real war is for the ones living with those memories everyday. Unlike the physical war the recollections never end in peace, they just repeat the horror and carnage over again.

December 7, 1941 the Japanese unrepentantly attacked the Pearl Harbor Navy Yard. It was so unexpected that sixteen-year-old John Garcia replied...