The Paris Peace Conference: France vs. American 14 point peace plan - who had the better long term peace plan? American side taken

Essay by FenristhewolfHigh School, 11th gradeA-, April 2006

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After the killing and the signing of the armistice on 11/11/1918 the reign of peace

was to be solidified by introducing the Paris peace conference early the next year. 32

countries had delegates in this massive discussion for the good of the world, but our focal

point is going to be on George Clemenceau, the French President; and Woodrow Wilson,

America's President. Both of these men had a common goal of peace, both world wide

and for Europe, but had radically different views on how to accomplish this. Germany,

being the first to actually stage an attack, was charged with starting the war and her

punishment was down to two major views: To have all participating countries take an

amount of responsibility for allowing the war to build up into what it was and not force

one country into poverty and collapse to pay your own bills, or to force heavy fines and

military penalties on Germany to pay for damages.

Clemenceau, being from the most

damaged country, pushed for full fines and bills for damage to be paid for by Germany,

as well as admitting that they started the war. And Woodrow Wilson and the Americans

favored the shared responsibility view.

France had been beaten down by Germany in this war, and in fact it had gotten so

bad that a main part of Frances wartime philosophy was 'Make Germany Pay'. Because

of all the negative press surrounding the people's opinion on Germany taking it easy on

them would be disastrous, the people would not be happy. Also, since Germany has war

debt and reconstruction to do too, chances are Germany would have fined them as much

as they planned on fining Germany. But eventually Germany would pay off its debts, and

grow in power again, so...