"People make places and prejudice governs place", a geographical study.

Essay by garybreenUniversity, Bachelor's May 2005

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The statement "people make places and prejudice governs place" put forward by Wreford Watson is indeed an interesting statement and one with which one finds it difficult to argue with. Clearly the people who inhabit them mould places. For instance the people of America have moulded their place into one where its peoples may live in freedom as their constitution states. The extent to which a place can be moulded is reliant on the amount of power which people hold. Because of the amount of divisions in America at the time when the Declaration of Independence it took a powerful and respected man like George Washington to bring about a constitution that preserved states but within a secure union. "Washington was such a respected figure that that there was no other nomination to be first president" (). This quote tells us that people very much make place.

Equally prejudice can be seen to govern place in America, with the obvious example being the prejudicial treatment of the black community. This treatment dictated that blacks were treated as second class citizens. Although it had its merits America is too much of a wide-ranging subject to study in just two thousand words but it is useful for just explaining Watsons statement. A far more concise but no less interesting topic is the travelling community in the town of Rathkeale in Co. Limerick. They too have a great effect on the area and in turn, like the blacks in America have been marginalised and seen as second class citizens, in an example of prejudice governing place.

Rathkeale is situated in the Southeast of Limerick and it epitomises a plural society. In the present day, there are two distinct groups, settled communities. Rathkeale is extremely interesting because before the current...