The Perfect Golf Swing

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorCollege, Undergraduate February 2008

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The golf swing is a complex and unnatural motion that can be perfected through practice and drills. The most important thing to remember about a golf swing is that there is no one ideal swing for everyone. But by improving key elements of the swing, a player can easily advance his game. If a person watched a professional tournament, he would see that there are as many different swings as there are players. The proper golf swing can be divided into five sections: the grip, the setup, the placement of the ball, the backswing, and the downswing and follow-through.

To begin executing the proper golf swing, a player must have a good grip. When gripping the club, theplayer should place the grip in the joints of the left fingers with the thumb pointing down the center or slightly to the right of the shaft. Then the player should place the pinky of the right hand between the index and middle fingers of the left hand making an interlocking grip. A player must not grip the club too tightly; it will result in a tense swing.

The next step is the setup. This is a make or break point for many golfers. A bad setup makes it very difficult to make a good swing. The setup starts at a players feet. They should be shoulder width apart and have good balance. The knees should be slightly bent, along with the upper body, with the back straight. The shoulders should be parallel with the hips and feet, and they should all be pointing at the target.

The third step is the placement of the ball with respect to aplayers' stance. First, with mid-range irons the player should place the ball in the center of the stance. With...