
Essay by suckulantpeachUniversity, Bachelor'sA+, August 2006

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Self Affirmation as the Knower

To make a judgment is to have a sort of understanding; it is possibly not always the correct judgment. The fact that one is prepared to judge makes one best prepare to judge the "self", which is a concrete and intelligible unity-identity-whole. When the self both affirms and is affirmed and is characterized by sensing, perceiving, imaging, inquiring, understanding, formulating, reflecting, grasping the unconditioned, and affirming is self affirming, and the affirmation is a judgment of fact and the fact is I exist and I exist as a knower. One really does not know, but the fact that one performed the listed acts is the judgment of knowing (p.343).

As Lonergan points out all judgment falls upon one being able to understand the unconditioned. The unconditioned being a combination of: 1). a conditioned, 2). A link between the conditioned and its conditions, and 3). The fulfillment of the condition.

By making the statement that "I am the knower" is the condition and link to knowing that since I am a concrete and intelligible characterized by acts of sensing, perceiving, imaging, etc... and understanding the conditioned, and judging, then the completion of the conditions is given in consciousness.

The conditioned is the expression of what is to be affirmed. The link itself is the meaning of the statement and the conditions that it records have become common in the cause of investigation. Now with the help of Lonergan I will I will differentiate what is meant and not meant by the fulfillment of conditions (p.344).

The Notion of Consciousness

By knowing something is to be faced with an object. It is a mystery of one thing to another. Consciousness is giving thought, contemplating, considering whatever words you use to describe this, but consciousness is knowing which...