Phonics Sounds

Essay by _x_marzie_x_High School, 12th gradeA+, November 2006

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*How it's set up.


*Learning Objective - What you want the children to learn.

*Learning outcome - what the children actually learned.

What the children need to learn for reading and writing they need to know the sounds that go with the letters.

We can start with the sound sheets for example; we can start with a story about a boy taking his dog for a walk and he hears the dog barking and then sees a snake rising up hissing "sssssss", the sound and action is incorporated in each story and the children can imitate the snake waving their arms and saying "sssss".

We use as well flash cards, games, videos and sound books. It's vital the children know the letter sounds.

They need to be fluent at saying the sounds quickly when they see the letters.

Learning the letter sounds is not enough the children need to know how to apply their letter knowledge from the beginning.

Children need to understand the meaning of the words before they can do this; they have to be able to work out what the words say. The phonic skill for this is to look at the letters, say the sounds and hear the word.

The children, who can hear the words, understand how the alphabetic code works for reading. They realise that it is something they can work out and their confidence grows.

When the children have learnt the letter sounds they can identify the sounds in words and therefore are well on the way to be able to write words.

As soon as a child can hear the sounds in words and knows one way of writing each sound, they can write anything they want to say.