Physical Therapy

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorUniversity, Bachelor's February 2008

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So You Want to Be a Physical Therapist...

Finding a career that is just right for you is a tough decision. There are so many different professions to choose from that its really hard to pick just one. Although most people try to steer clear from medical professions there is one that I would like to recommend. I think that a career in physical therapy is a wonderful profession. " One of the great achievements of the physical therapy profession is that physical therapists are no longer ignored(Rothstein par.5)." I'm not saying that the travel to this career will be easy but it is definitely a job to consider if you care deeply for helping others are to dedicated to working hard, willing to learn new things and good at scientific subjects. Physical therapy is such an important profession to get into because "There is such a large demand for physical therapists, and the actual amount is so limited, that employers are beginning to look in other countries for trained professional's" (Rosen, Hegarty par.

3). Physical therapists are so important to society and that alone would get me jumping up and down asking where do I sign up. For a person that is so caring towards people, is dedicated to working hard, willing to learn new things, good at science, and isn't exactly good at math physical therapy is the perfect career for you.

"Post secondary education is inevitable to establishing a career in physical therapy (Massey Par.3)." When you reach your senior year of high school it is important you have chosen which professional education will meet your goals and financial needs. Education is not cheap and it is important to realize this as you will be spending a lot of money to reach your career goal. "Before...