Piaget's Concepts

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorCollege, Undergraduate February 2008

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Piagets Concepts During a child?s early development stages is where they learn important skills needed for their later years. Jean Piaget has broken these experiences down into four distinct stages of cognitive development. The first step a child goes through is the sensorimotor stage where they experience the world around them through their senses and actions (looking, hearing, touching, mouthing, and grasping). The second stage is preoperational where the kid is representing things with words and images but they lack the logical reasoning behind it. The third stage is the concrete operational stage where the kid is thinking logically about concrete events, grasping concrete analogies and performing arithmetic operations. The fourth and last stage is the formal operational stage, which is where the child uses abstract reasoning. All these stages are equally important to experience in life, but I will only describe three of them for you in this paper.

From birth to around two years old your child or baby then is experiencing the sensorimotor stage of cognitive development. They are taking everything around them in through actions and senses because that is all they know to do. Most of these experiences are new to them and they?re still learning how to deal with everything. Have you ever noticed when a person is holding someone elses baby, and the baby starts crying? The only people who are able to stop the crying are the mom and dad. The baby just went through stranger anxiety. Another symptom that the child is going through in this stage is object performance. When an object, say a ball for an example, is in plain sight one moment and then goes behind a wall, or another object, the child thinks that the ball has disappeared, until it bounces back out. Another example which...