Poem: I cannot seem to find you

Essay by final_fantasysback September 2004

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Everywhere I look

In everyone I meet

I look for you

But I can't seem to find you

No matter how hard I try

How much care and love

And time I give

I cannot seem to find you

Am I looking for the right things?

Am I searching in the right places

I am confused and lost

For I cannot seem to find you

Am I trying too hard?

Am I hiding myself?

Why, where, how?

How come is it I can't seem to find you?

Hurt and pain

I felt it when I trusted, cared and loved

Yet as I try to trust and love again,

I cannot seem to find you

Despite the fear of falling again

The fear of hurting myself again

Despite this I try and risk it all again

But I still cannot seem to find you

It seems that the more I care

The more I try to love

The more I do, the less I seem to see

Is this why I cannot seem to find you?

Every time I look

Every time I see

I loose hope and confidence

That I may one day find you

What must I do not to loose hope?

What must I do to show you that I care and love?

I cannot seem to find you

Where are you?