Is population control necessary?

Essay by snjalil1High School, 12th gradeA, September 2008

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Recently, I saw a documentary which featured the problems of overpopulation in The Third World countries. After watching the programme, I realise that it is everybody's essential responsibility to confront and address the problems of an expanding world population. This is necessary because we live on the same planet and share the same resources, both renewable and non-renewable.

Population control is defined as the systematic regulating of the number of people in any given country to redress the problems of overpopulation and underpopulation. The methods vary from country to country, ranging from encouraging the use of contraceptives-to legalising abortion and providing incentives for government birth control policies in overpopulated regions, whereas in places with low or zero population growth, Intra-Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) programmes are introduced to reverse the decline.

Generally, overpopulation in a country gives rise to social evils such as overcrowding, unhygienic living environments, poverty and unemployment.

At this point, it is only necessary that some population control measures be enforced. However, in the real world the answer is never really simple or definite. One must always consider the political, social and economic consequences of population control.

China and India will make good case studies as they are the two most populated countries in the world.

In India, the human population has hit almost a billion. Although the country is rich in natural resources and its military technology is on par with Superpower nations like America or Russia, to date it is still, considered a third world country because a majority of its population lives within the poverty belt. Given this dire situation, it seems imperative that drastic population controls should be exercised. Despite government efforts to educate the Indian masses on birth controls, they have not succeeded in eliminating the population problems since India is a...