Power Play for Howard

Essay by mzarbolCollege, UndergraduateA, July 2009

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Negotiation is a common problem-solving process that people use to make decisions and manage disputes. Negotiations are so common they can occur in a person's daily life. For example, spouses might negotiate on how money is spent, parents and children might negotiate on a suitable bedtime, employers and employees might negotiate salary, or a professionals and clients might negotiate on the terms of a contract. Negotiation is a process in which two or more people voluntarily discuss their differences and attempt to reach a joint decision on their common concerns (Moore, July 2009). According to Moore (2009), "Negotiation requires participants to identify issues about which they differ, educate each other about their needs and interests, generate possible settlement options and bargain over the terms of the final agreement." In this scholarly paper, Learning Team B will briefly summarize the case study analysis of Power Play for Howard. Additionally, the team will evaluate the benefits, costs, and risks associated with the negotiation from the perspective of all parties involved.

What happened to professional athletes wanting to play for the "love" of the game? Professional athletes put too high of a price on their skills; as to which results in the players being completely too greedy for the profession. The professional teams and professional leagues have unfortunately allowed for this to continue; and will continue to cause more greed in the years to come. However, the leagues and the teams cannot be the only ones to blame. The agents play a huge part in the negotiations and promising the players the money and contracts.

In 1996, Juwan Howard, who was 23 years old at the time, was looking to make more money than what he was making after his first year with the Washington Bullets. In 1994, Howard being a...