The Princess Bride

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 11th grade February 2008

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The movie, "The Princess Bride," also a novel written by William Goldman, is the wonderful tale of Buttercup, a beautiful young woman of Florin and Westley, her beloved farmboy, whose true love guides them through many struggles and leads them to a "happily ever-after ending." It is a classic example of the romantic mode, with its great deeds, pageantry, and courtly love. The hero, Westley, is on a quest to rescue his beloved Buttercup, but many obstacles stand in his way. "The Princess Bride" illustrates the elements of the romantic mode through Westley's journey to save his love, the many supernatural occurrences that take place in the imaginative land, and the positive and negative values of a society.

Westley's journey is the first example of the romantic theme in "The Princess Bride." In the romantic mode, the romantic hero sets out on a journey, where he encounters many ordeals and tests.

The romantic hero in "The Princess Bride," Westley, begins his journey to find his fortune across the sea, in order to marry his beloved Buttercup and be able to provide for her. As in accordance with romantic mode, Westley encounters many struggles and tests through his journey. Along his way, he is captured by the Dread Pirate Roberts, but he eventually makes friends with him, and the title is passed on to Westley himself. Back in Florin however, Buttercup has been announced the future queen, and captured by three travelers, Fezzik, the giant; Inigo Montoya, the Spaniard/swordsman; and Vizzini, the brain. The travelers were hired by Prince Humperdink to kill Buttercup, framing the neighboring country, Guilder. Westley finds Buttercup in the possession of the travelers once they arrive at Guilder, climbing the Cliffs of Insanity. Westley must first sword fight the Spaniard in order to progress, which...