Procrastination and regrets

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorCollege, Undergraduate February 2008

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Procrastination and Regrets It's Thursday afternoon and Jack has nothing to do except his homework. However, Jack doesn't feel like doing his homework, so he thinks to himself "I'll do my homework tomorrow night and go to a house party tonight." Ah yes, like many other young adults, Jack has resorted to procrastination. The procrastination bug, like young adults has also become abundant in parents.

One thing that many young adults procrastinate about doing is their homework. Many students, when given long-term assignments, put it off until the week or maybe even the night before the assignment is due. This type of procrastinator will wondering to themselves, "Why didn't I do it earlier?" It's often the case that these students miss class frequently and don't use their class time wisely.

Likewise, some college students enjoy partying much more than studying. These procrastinators frantically attempt to cram information into their head on test day, which usually leaves them unsure about the content of the test and disappointed with their grade.

In the end, they usually all realize that it would have been easier if they would have started preparing sooner.

Another thing that young adults as well as parents tend to procrastinate on is filling out forms. Young adults are stubborn about filling out college applications. Procrastinating this, however, may ruin their chances of getting accepted to the college of their choice. Many parents put off filling out tax forms and insurance claims in which case making it tougher for them in the long run.

Parents also procrastinate when paying bills. They'll wait until the last possible day that their payment is due and when that day comes they'll be short on funds. This then hurts them when they have to pay those outrageous late fees. This makes parents feel...