Programme or Method - What was the most significant factor in Hitler's rise to power?

Essay by SubmitterUniversity, Master'sB, April 2006

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It has to be agreed, that combined, the programme and methods used by Adolf Hitler were both contributing factors in his rise power. However, it must be argued as to which was most significant. There is considerable evidence to suggest that the methods Hitler used were pivotal in his rise to power, with his passion for the country and oratory skills capturing peoples support and hearts, whereas there was always controversy surrounding the programme he used even from within the NSDAP.

One may argue that Hitler's programme was a minor factor of his rise to power. Evidence shows there were many issues Hitler addressed which people believed in, such as the abolition of the Treaties of Versailles and Saint-Germain. On the other hand there were many critics of Hitler's policies even within the German Workers' Party.

Hitler had a world view which consisted of four main components. These components were Volkgemeinschaft (People's Community), a Master Race, Nationalism and Anti Communism.

Evidence suggests it was these core beliefs that gained the support of the German people. Also you can see many of Hitler's world views integrated into the German Workers' Party's 1920 Twenty-Five Point Programme.

Volkgemeinschaft primarily stood for all Germans sharing a common bond and part of this bond was the promotion of a pure race. What Hitler meant by a pure race was non-Germans who were sharing the land and businesses of the German people was not acceptable. He wanted Germany to house only German People. This was used to unite different groups of Germans such as the rich and poor, rural and urban, Prussian or Bavarian who had began to drift apart due to rapid industrialisation. Many of the Twenty-Five Point Programme represented Hitler's world view. Examples of this are; Point 1- We demand the union of all...