"Psycho" by Alfred Hitchcock

Essay by diver.101Junior High, 9th gradeA, March 2007

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The movie "Psycho" by Alfred Hitchcock proved to be the most suspense fueled, frightening movies of all time, however, not because of any bloody death scenes, but because of the multiple techniques used to present the movie itself as frightening. Techniques such as cinematography, lighting, sound and scripts increase the suspense of the film, which therefore increase the audience's fear of each and every detail of the film. "Psycho" relies solely on the audience feeling the pressure of the increasing suspense, which in turn makes them scared. This use of suspense takes the place of modern day "blood and guts" scenes, yet still manages to give the same terrifying effect. Alfred Hitchcock's knowledge of techniques, mixed with his unique approach to create the fear in the film, created one of histories most unique, frightening films ever.

Norman Bates, the main character of the film, and whom the film is based upon, is portrayed as the man who is, quite plainly, psycho.

This is described in multiple ways, all adding to the suspense of knowing Norman, and watching and understanding him. One of the techniques used to depict Norman is cinematography. When Norman was in any scene, or in an image, he is usually shown alone, describing him as a shady, "got something to hide" sort of person. Also, his scenes and images often include things which relate to him, and inturn make the audience think about the item being part of Norman. The house and/or motel, for instance, are both related to Bates, and because we know that they are empty and seemingly creepy, we relate this fear to Norman. The setting itself, a lonely area with the nearest civilization 15 km's away, makes the audience think of Norman as a creepy loner who assumes that "A boys best...