This is a psychological analysis of the mind of the average teenager

Essay by raven_13586University, Bachelor'sA+, December 2003

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Teenage Rebellion: A Characteristic of the Average Adolescent

Teenage rebellion is an observable fact among adolescents throughout the globe ranging from ages twelve to nineteen. It is in the life cycle of adolescence that teens begin to try to demonstrate their mature status and gain autonomy over their lives. The fact that teens are not yet adults often causes them to "act out" (engage in delinquent behavior) in order to show that they are capable of making decisions for themselves rather than letting mom and dad do it for them. "Delinquency increases from early adolescence to mid-adolescence and declines sharply by late adolescence." (Mullan, Duncan 2002) This reckless behavior is supposedly caused by "heightened egocentrism and/or sensation seeking" during the teenage years. (Mullan, Duncan 2002)

Adolescent attitudes and rebellion will be examined in the three perspectives as follows: sex, violence, drugs and the causes and consequences of each.

Adolescent Attitudes Toward Premarital Sexual Intercourse

Often times, there is a double standard set for females.

It is usually acceptable for a male to enjoy large numbers of sexual partners without being criticized, but a female on the other hand must remain chaste and/or secretive concerning her sexual escapades. (Martin 2001) This standard set by "old time" religious and cultural values creates a sense of tension and unwanted scrutiny of the teenage female, resulting in her willingness to break the "rules" and step outside of the norm by having as much sex as she wants for the same reasons the teenage male does, physical satisfaction and egocentricity. The breaking of this double standard demonstrates the teenage female's sexual independence and shows the adults around her that she is equal to her male counterpart and can literally "do" whatever and whoever she wants. Though, adolescents of both sexes show an increasing approval...