Public Relation Campaign Stage 1

Essay by adones1University, Bachelor'sA+, March 2005

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Hoping to make its way into another market, XXX-XXX, Inc.'s marketing department wants to manufacture a safe room out of the current cell module molds. With some minor form modification, team work, and presentation, the marketing department feels the opportunity for increased revenue and better satisfied customers is in the works.

Safety in Safe Rooms

XXX-XXX, Inc. is a concrete company located in XXX, Florida. Established in ____, the company now is over 300 acres large and employs between four hundred to four hundred and fifty people. As a production facility, the main focus of the company is to generate revenue. To do this, XXX-XXX, Inc. divies as a subcontractor in commercial and residential construction and also bridge and highway construction. Currently, the commercial division makes up 60 percent of sales while bridge and highway construction makes up the remainder 40%. Last year, XXX-XXX, Inc. generated over $40 million in sales.

Over the last year, XXX-XXX, Inc. has seen the commercial and residential market start to decline. They feel this is due to the increase in interest rates and the overall consumer confidence of the owners. Many general contractors have denoted owner's excitement in building over the last three years with the decrease in the interest rates, however, the owners seem to have forgotten huge projects take years to plan and develop, which in turn after approval of a final design, the budget for the project gets blown away.

How can XXX-XXX, Inc. stay competitive in an environment with the future trend being a sluggish market? This team, which will now be referenced as the marketing department, wants to offer management the idea of creating a safe room/storm shelter for clients, utilizing the existing cell module molds currently sitting in the North Field. The forms in-house (worth over $300,000...