The purpose of education should be to provide students with a value system, a standard, a set of ideas-not to prepare them for a specific job

Essay by foreverur April 2014

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"The purpose of education should be to provide students with a value system, a standard, a set of ideas-not to prepare them for a specific job" The author asserts the idea that the goal of education should not be preparing students for a specific career, but providing them with partially a value system and a standard, as well as a set of idea. I generally disagree with this assertion that the only purpose of education is preparing students for having a moral life in the society. I believe that this claim should be divided into some parts: (1) the purpose of education and its influence in society; (2) study of importance of teaching value systems, moral standards and social limitations; and finally (3) why preparing students should be a part of educational duties. The purpose of education should derive from the needs of society. Being familiar with a value system and a standard can be count as the primary goal of education.

To use an analogy, it would be like entrancing a new place. Beforehand, one should learn all the rules and regulation governing there, as well as the customs people must respect. Therefore, making students ready to entrance the society is the first duty of education that includes all about rules, standard, limitation and so forth. Moreover, students should be ready to play their roles in society, and this is what educational systems should meet. As I mentioned above, the primary goal of education is learning a value system and a suitable pattern for living. One should know all governing constraints and moral values, which make students to behave in a way that they do not harm other people. Besides, they should be aware of all social harm, such as addiction, and learn how to avoid it. Admittedly,