(Q1) Explain what you understand by the concept of Anomie?

Essay by dappapimp April 2007

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I believe anomie is a concept which was first defined by the French sociologist Emile Durkiehm. It is the idea that when people find themselves in rapidly changing social conditions they will lose the social guides to behaviour. This leads to a state of normlessness and a lack of understanding of acceptable behaviours.

Émile Durkheim postulated the concept of anomie in his study Suicide, published in 1897. Durkheim argued that sudden changes in society make formerly satisfactory norms obsolete. Under the strain of rapid change, social rules fail to keep pace with attitudes and expectations. Inappropriate rules result in contempt for all rules. Intense frustration and equally intense anxiety develop as men seek fulfilment. Dissatisfaction spreads through society and produces a general state of anomie: lack of clarity, rootlessness, and personal disorientation#. Robert K. Merton extended Durkheim's ideas by showing that individuals intensify their anomie when they abandon their norms to satisfy their unleashed desires.

For example, a formerly law-abiding businessman who resorts to arson to eliminate a more efficient competitor has begun to sever his connections with other members of society, thus increasing his anxiety and isolation#. Sebastian de Grazia suggested that this anxiety is inherent in humans and that anomic individuals would ultimately be rendered powerless by their anxiety#.

(Q2) How does Anomie manifest itself in the modern society?Anomie manifests itself in the modern society through the parliament where minority rule over the majority resulting the public behaving in a very inhumane manner. A clear can be known through the most recent events which shocked the nation when the 7th of July atrocities took place. The root of this evil was the illegal invasion of Iraq. However it still did not justify for these criminals to carry out such animosity to prove their point.

Another example would be...