The Quality Of Life Essay

Essay by justin_6t9High School, 11th grade March 2008

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Personal Essay

People are very complex beings and there actions that they take part in and there personalities will ether make them have successful or unsuccessful lives. The quality of ones life is very important but can sometimes be hard to measure. Many people may have there own opinion and different ways to measure someone's life but I believe I picked the best characteristics in order to accurately measure the quality of someone's life. The quality of ones life can be measured in psychological, social, and personal aspects.

The first aspect that someone's life could be measured by is there psychological characteristics. Someone's life can be measured by there personality and the way they act around other people. Taking a look at whether or not the person is a bad or nice person and how they act amongst people on a regular basis. If someone is lazy, unmotivated, un-concentrated, and angry there quality of life will lessen and they will feel more miserable then someone with a higher quality of life. Someone that is motivated, active, nice, and concentrated will have a higher quality of life. Personality is the one thing that people have that shows what kind of people they are other then there physical appearance. If someone treats other people with respect they will be able to gain that same respect back and thus having a better relationship with others and knowing people actually want to talk to and be around you. People with bad attitude often get themselves caught up in horrible situations that could lead to an unfulfilling life.

The social life of someone represents the quality of there life in many ways. Having a good job will increase the quality of ones life and give them money and security in order to live...