"Queen of Air and Darkness by Poul Andersen" -Character Analysis. Talks of Morgause and her four boys

Essay by Anonymous UserHigh School, 12th gradeA+, September 1996

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In the Queen of Air and Darkness Morgause raises four boys. She is not a good

mother, and she does not give her boys a sense of right and wrong. She often ignores

them for days at a time and beats them when they displease her. She acts as if they were

pets rather than human beings, to be loved or not at her convenience . But despite this

common maltreatment, the boys turn out very differently.

Gawaine is the oldest of the boys and in many ways the most normal. He becomes

a knight in Arthur's court, fighting for him loyally. The way in which he is affected by his

upbringing is his rages. When provoked Gawaine goes into a berserk rage in which he

does things he would normally never do. When Gawaine and Agravaine are arguing over

whether or not to write a letter to their father about the knights, Agravaine refuses to say he

is wrong, so Gawaine goes berserk and attacks him.

He does not simply beat him, but

chokes him and slams his head against the floor until Gareth pulls him off. If Gareth had

not been there, Gawaine very well might have killed his younger brother. Gawaine even

kills a women when worked up to a rage. These rages are a product of the unhealthy

childhood he endured.

The next child, Agravaine, is probably the least well adjusted of the four. He tends

to be sadistic and self-centered. The children were told the tale of the King of Ireland by

St. Toirdealbhach; the tale where the king gets a head wound and can not be excited, but

then he dies while trying to defend his savior. Agravaine does not see any point in putting

one's self in danger to protect any one else.