Rehab for White African-Americans (humerous)

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorCollege, Undergraduate February 2008

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Hello, and welcome to the annual meeting of the Correctional Institute for WhiteAfrican-Americans. As you know it is our belief that white people should act like white people. This organization was formed to help inform people about their actions and get them to straighten out. This year was the first year of hopefully many to come that our meeting was held in the great city of Boston. Before we get started I would just like to thank everyone for organizing the wonderful meal.

Our first order of business is to make people in our organization more aware of the problem that is sweeping our nation. We have white people going around our schools, streets, and places of business pretending to be something they're not, BLACK! We have many people, especially in our schools, wearing black brands, bandannas, and even talking like they're black. If you see someone doing this make a note of it so you can talk to them later.

If you need more in depth training you can attend one of our many seminars offered at this conference.

Our second order is informing the person of the problem. This one can be very difficult, because you want to say, "Hey, skin check." But this would not help the situation and you would develop many new enemies. You may want to drop a couple of hints in conversation. Like, "Hey, don't you hate how Eminem thinks he's black!" It may take awhile before the comments start to register with the person in question. But after awhile it will, and that is when you move into the recovery stage.

The final stage of this process is the recovery stage. This is the longest and most difficult. Many of the people treated at our facilities take months of rehab before they are fully over their symptoms. The most common root cause that I have seen is to be kids that listen to rap and begin to talk and act like their favorite artists. But after talking it out with them most see fairly quickly that they are acting very foolishly. Don't lose faith in our cause just because of the long process that is may take. We need to put an end to this behavior, white people have their own brands and own styles to wear.

In conclusion I think that this problem has gotten way out of hand. But there is light at the end of the tunnel. We currently have twenty-four fully operational faculties around the country with another eleven being constructed as we speak. With your help we can put an end to this madness, and help our confused white friends out by helping them see the light.