
Essay by EssaySwap ContributorCollege, Undergraduate February 2008

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"The History of the Dividing Line" by William Byrd is a story where I can compare the Native Religion, with my own Christianity religion. They differ some, but they are also alike in ways. During this essay, we will explore these different religions. Bearskin's religion also believes that there god made the world a long time ago. In the Christian's Bible, it says that God made the world…and that was a while back! Another similarity with Bearskin's religion and the Christian religion is that god is very just and very good. Yet another similarity with these two religions is that the good people and the bad people go to different places after death! There are also many differences, for example, Bearskin's religion states that there is one supreme god, yet he had several inferior deities under him. The Christianity religion states that there is one GOD, period! Bearskin's religion also says that god formed many worlds before this one, and that the bad people ruined it.

Christian religion says that god made the world, the Bible doesn't say anything about other worlds. Finally, Bearskin's religion says that God punishes the bad people and makes them suffer. I don't think that we Christian's believe that God makes anyone suffer, just or not.

Some similarities between the Christian religion, and the Native religion (Also referred to in this story as Bearskin's religion) are when the world was created. Both of these religions believe that the world was created a long time ago by one extreme god! Even scientists agree with the fact that the world was created a very long time ago. Another similarity with these two religions is that god is very just and very good. As a Christian, I very much believe this. God is very...