The Renaissance Age

Essay by redadmiral May 2004

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Background: This age gain its name from an intellectual movement that started in Italy, in the early years of the fourteenth century. Then it spread to all Europe. This movement is also called the rebirth of the scholarship but through time it gradually became the rebirth of the human spirit. This movement is characterized by the many discoveries in geographical, religious and scientific as well as artistic and philosophical fields.

The renaissance in England: The rebirth of human spirit was characterized in England by a rise, a height and a decline.

The rise of the renaissance: The invention of printing and the production of paper made the knowledge spread. The first important result of the renaissance of English literature can be seen in poetry by the introduction sonnets and the invention of English blank verse. The native drama continued to develop and the favorite from for entertainment was miracle and morality plays.

While the renaissance was gathering strength in England two events occurred lessened the influence of church. The second one was the desire of Henry the eighth to have a hire authority than the Pope of Rome. There for he asked all is governors to sigh the Oath of Supremacy that he wrote which resulted in the appearance of protestant and hit became the third important creed beside catholic and puritan.

The height of renaissance: When Elizabeth the first set on the throne she kept the balance between protestant, catholic and puritan. Also she placed a strong central government that received a loyal support for her subjects. She was interested in education and opened schools and colleges. In her ruling time England gained supremacy over seas. Lyric poetry and song were flourished in the Elizabethan age. This period was the golden age for English drama .Theaters was opened...