Renewable Energy (Solar and Hydro) Research Assignment

Essay by elusive_butterflyJunior High, 9th grade March 2007

download word file, 10 pages 3.0

-Research 2 different types of renewable energy sources and list: where and when they have been used, how they produce electricity, facts and stats, environmental impact, advantages and disadvantages.

Solar and hydro power are advantageous, easy to acquire and eco-friendly sources of power. They are two excellent forms of renewable energy. A great advantage of these sources is that their energy does not need to be generated on a large scale and transmitted over a grid system like the energy produced by using fossil fuels. You can create just enough solar electricity to power your house or just enough hydroelectricity to power a small community. Solar energy depends upon the heat and light energy of the sun and is used to do more than just create electricity. Hydroelectric energy is a renewable energy source that depends upon the hydrologic cycle of water. Hydroelectric power is a very important source of electricity for Canada, as we get nearly 2 thirds of our energy from hydro dams.

When and where solar and hydro sources have been usedSolarSolar energy has many uses. From the earlier days, where the ancient Greeks used sundials to tell time, all the way to the more advanced uses of solar energy today. Light energy from the sun is used to power most satellites. This is especially efficient because it is a free source of energy and even though on earth we can't always use solar energy all the time, that is not the case in space. Other ways that we use the sun's light energy is to power communications stations at the top of mountains and navigational buoys at sea. The most important way that we use solar power is to generate electricity. Photovoltaic cells can generate electricity to pump water, charge batteries, power road signs, run weather...