A report on the legalization of embryonic brain stem research.

Essay by ShiznitzHigh School, 12th gradeA-, May 2003

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Brain Stem Cell Research

The field of science is advancing every day, getting more technological and complicated. One particular field of study that is being paid close attention to is the research of embryonic brain stem cells. Embryonic stem cells are valuable because they can transform into any of the cells found in the human body. If enough progress was made, it would allow scientists to "grow" human body parts for amputee's, or remove diseases such as Parkinson's from a person's body. However, it would also allow human cloning, and the ability to create a human being with whatever features you want. This is why the research of embryonic cells is a very debatable issue, with many different viewpoints and opinions. The Church has its own opinion about this topic, and there are also moral issues, social implications, legal issues, and political issues that need to be looked at in order to gain a proper understanding of the topic.

The Catholic Church has a large influence on what many people think about embryonic cell research. Many people follow the Church and therefore any opinion the Church has will most likely be their opinion as well. Currently, the Church prohibits embryonic research, and anything to do with human cloning. The Catholic teachings state that a life begins at the time of conception, and therefore embryonic cell research is not right because it involves using cells from an embryo, which has a soul, and is already alive. This is a topic involving issues of morality. Those who believe that life begins at conception, like the Church does, will most

likely be against embryonic cell research. Even if a person felt that embryonic research was acceptable, would they still accept the fact that many failures occur before a success is made? This means...