Research in the area of Information Security at Corporate Websites including the role of "Privacy Seals"

Essay by xfeng78University, Master'sA+, March 2004

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Research in the area of Information Security at Corporate Websites including the role of "Privacy Seals"

The moot question that needs to be answered before one starts the analysis of research in the area of web security is to gauge the importance of electronic commerce. Electronic Commerce has taken the world by storm and is perhaps the fastest growing frontiers in the business arena. The sheer statistics tells a story that is often untold and unseen. The concept of 'the world is a small family" and business and commerce is trans-national is no longer a myth but a stark reality.

Here are a few numbers in support of the above statement

The number of internet users in 1998 was 160 million, in the year 2002 this number saw a mammoth increase and the new estimates are placed at 544 million in the year 2002. The Gartner Corporation estimated the size of the e-commerce market at about 7.3

billion dollars for the year 2004 as compared to the motley figure of 145 million dollars for the year 1999.

Details referenced from "The impact of customer trust and perception of security control on the acceptance of electronic commerce"- Suh and Han]

What role does the company's website play? From an advertiser's perspective, the importance of a website stems from the fact that it is often the last link in the hierarchy leading to the sale.

[Source: "What do customer consider important in B2B websites"-]

Having said all this we must add that E-commerce is still in the nascent stages primarily because of the consumer's primary concern about security and privacy on the internet. Suh and Han draw their conclusions based on the research they conducted. A web survey of 502 internet banking users was conducted by them Statistical analysis using the SEM...