This is a research paper about animals in research for a phycology class about the pros and the cons a compare and contrast essay 4pages

Essay by nperri03College, Undergraduate December 2002

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Animals in Research

Animals in research are a perfectly just and humane way to further scientific research for human beings. If it takes one animal to save hundreds of humans then why is there a problem? Ground-breaking work on the genetic regulation of organ development and programmed cell death has won three researchers the 2002 Nobel Prize in Medicine. The research led to a new understanding of diseases ranging from cancer to strokes to AIDS (American for Medical Progress: New Scientist 2002). Scientist are not intentionally hurting animals for fun they are doing this to further medical understandings and save human lives. Animal experiments have been vital to the discovery and development of many advances in physiology and medicine. Given the statement "Animal experiments are still crucial to the investigation and development of many medical treatments," in a poll done by the Research defense society 92% of the people polled agreed and 3% did not.

While animal life is very important, human life is more valuable, and that medical progress is good, supporters of animal-based researchers believe that such experimentation is essential before biomedical procedures and drugs are used in human beings. Opponents generally say that an animal life is equal to a human life. These are opposing value judgments. In the article, Stem cell study may aid diabetics, they discovered that embryonic stem cells were turned into insulin-making tissue that was able to keep diabetic mice alive in an experiment that experts say is an important step toward a new treatment for diabetes(American for Medical Progress: New Scientist 2002). If this could change the lives of Thousands of men women and children around the world for a few mice it was well worth it. Animals are not human beings they don't have feelings. Researchers have strict ethical guidelines...