What was responsible for Hitler's rise to power?

Essay by jojojojojoA, September 2004

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3. Hitler's rise to power arose from a number of causes that were all essential in aiding his rise to power. In looking at the events that precede Hitler becoming dictator, it is easy to see that the factors culminate in making a web of causation. It is difficult to prioritise which one stands out most, because they all played a part, and it is unlikely that the same result would have occurred without them all being present. However, some are more significant than others.

The decision by Von Papen and Hindenburg to appoint Hitler as Chancellor has a very strong argument as being the most important reason in Hitler's rise to power. This is because it was the one factor that made Hitler's power certain. The support Hitler gained in the 1920s and 30s was shown in the November 1932 elections to have dwindled, but being made Chancellor in 1933 meant that popularity from the electorate was now not so important.

Hitler had the authority to be able to pass laws and strongly influence the way in which Germany was run, and he used this certainty to his full potential. This factor could be said to be more important than the others because without it Hitler would not have had the opportunity to secure his power. Hitler's ultimate aim was to become dictator, and becoming Chancellor was the only factor that enabled him to manipulate his power in such a way that he could achieve this.

However, Hitler's rise to power would have been unattainable without other factors. Hitler's oratory, personality and leadership also have a strong argument for being the most vital reason for Hitler's rise to power, because it is the only cause which was present throughout the 14 year struggle of the Nazis until...