Richard III: A Great Misconception

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 11th grade October 2001

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Richard III: a great misconception Living by the motto, "loyaulte me lie"(http://www.Richard, Richard III displayed his strength and character, by ruling England for his deceased brother, Edward IV. Before becoming king, Richard III served as lieutenant of the north, earning the reputation for his fairness and incorruptibility. He was always compassionate, listening to the common man's grievances and performing many acts of kindness to improve the lives of the hoi polloi. This was to no surprise because of the family values in which he was taught. Richard III was the son of Richard II and Cicely Nevill. The marriage between Richard's parents was unique in that they were in love. During the fourteen hundreds, marriages were performed for power, land/money, or other political reasons; never because two individuals were in love. The love shared between Richard II and Cicely showed through Cicely's constant traveling along side her husband, which was also unusual because wives of that era generally lounged around home waiting for her lord and master to visit her when it seemed good to him.

This successful marriage would ultimately lead to the love and effort put out by the Yorkish lovebirds in raising their children. This love also accounted for the strong unity of the York family. There are those who say Richard III was the epitome of evil, deformed, homicidal, willing even to murder two of his nephews to seize the crown. When in actuality, Richard III was a good man and wise ruler whose reputation was destroyed when he was falsely accused of killing the two princes by the slanderous Tudors.

When people readied about history of the fourteen hundreds they often times readied history written by Sir Thomas More, who was respected for his intelligence, wit, and piety. You might think...