Rip van winkle:compare& contrast

Essay by ChristophizzleJunior High, 7th gradeA, December 2004

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Compare and Contrast Essay

Rip Van Winkle

The two versions of Rip Van Winkle that I read have some similarities and differences. I read the original Rip Van Winkle by Washington Irving and a retold by Catherine Storr. Both were very interesting the way they were written. The two versions of Rip Van Winkle totally caught my eye.

The original Rip Van Winkle an adult book by Washington Irving was very descriptive on each page. The book was only fourteen pages of enjoyment. Irving used advance vocabulary very well. There weren't many pictures.

The retold of Rip Van Winkle by Catherine Storr was a children's book. It was fascinating to read a children book again. The book was only fourteen pages of imagination. There is a picture on every page. It was fun to read the retold of Rip Van Winkle by Catherine Storr.

The original and the retold were both fascinating and well thought out.

In both stories the settings were in the Catskill Mountains. In both stories Rip slept for twenty years and before that he met strange men that were playing nine pins. At the end of the story he met his daughter and his grandson and found out his wife had past away. In both stories his wife would always bother and embarrass him because he didn't do the chores at home but he did help other people in town and played with the children.

Both the original and the retold were exciting. The folktale its self is very interesting and enjoying. I wish more stories were written the same way Washington Irving and Catherine Storr wrote or rewrote Rip Van Winkle. Both stories were similar. Rip Van Winkle is a excellent story.