Rogerian Theory

Essay by nwildes24University, Bachelor'sA-, May 2004

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Rogerian Theory

I knew very little about the Rogerian theory before taking this class. I felt the least comfortable with this theory when compared to the others and their brief descriptions of what each theory entailed. The Rogerian theory, related to the humanistic approach, is described as "...people naturally moving in a positive direction and growth. A person who has trouble growing toward self actualization needs a positive, caring environment to grow psychologically. A therapist should not give advice or self disclose. A therapist should simply provide a warm caring environment and the client will solve his/her own problems." This depiction of what the Rogerian theory is all about just seemed much too simple to me. There was no probing into the clients unconscious past or childhood experiences in order to unlock present behaviors or explanations. The uncomplicated idea of just being there for your client in a kind and caring way and they will figure out their own problems just did not seem realistic to me.

Counseling, to me, demanded more then that and involved figuring out the past before working on the present. Also, a therapist and client involves a special relationship, giving and taking both ways. This Rogerian approach seemed very one sided to me, involving mostly the client. I do agree that the therapist and client role is very specific and needs to remain so that the client is the one in therapy, however interaction and sharing of feelings and thoughts I feel is a necessity for both parties in order to eliminate the pressures of having the "therapist" and "client" labels. The client needs to feel at ease knowing that the therapist sees them as an equal. The therapist must also isolate themselves from being an extension of the person making them attend therapy. When...