Rosie the Riveter/ Women in WWII

Essay by lilmissblue21A+, February 2004

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World War II brought about many different thoughts, ideas, and changes within the United States alone. One of the most incredible changes within the US that occurred during wartime was change in identity. World War II enabled people to learn about each other and themselves. People of different cultures, backgrounds, ages, and especially women, experienced massive changes in their lives. These changes would continue with them long after the end of the war. For many women, war was about gaining strength and action. Many women started taking over men's responsibilities when the men went to war. For many women, WWII became a symbol of freedom. It was a time where women didn't have to be what society thought they should be. They became free to create their own lives and senses of self. WWII gave women the chance to prove they are just as capable as men are. As WWII continued, greater numbers of women began to take control.

Finally, women worked as drivers, farmers, mail delivery personnel, garbage collectors, builders, and mechanics. Life for women was changing fast. Now women had their own money and could do with it what they pleased. They became more independent. "War taught them how to stand on their own two feet" (Keenan). Women are capable of anything; it's too bad that it took a war to make everyone see it.

Many women participated in war efforts by working as nurses, in the WAC (women's auxiliary corp.), and many went into factories.

The factory jobs held the greatest number of women. These women worked under very poor conditions for very little pay. Rosie the Riveter was a poster of encouragement for women to join the workforce during the women's industry movement. The poster showed women's hidden strengths, promoting power and pride.

The women that...