Running head: The Path of Success.

Essay by timwongHigh School, 12th grade December 2003

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Throughout history, many individuals have set success as their goal. It is perhaps the most prestigious and distant demand for most people. However, the achievement of this goal often comes with pride and honour. Despite of the glory that comes with success, the ambition is not easily achieved. One must work tirelessly just for a mere taste of accomplishment. The path towards this common yet distant goal is treacherous; one must have determination and face limitless challenges for this Holy Grail. The Mystic Masseur is a comedic novel which explores the life of a young man, Ganesh Ramsumair as he builds up his path towards triumph and fame in the Trinidadian and Indian community. The novel further portrays the theme of adversity and resilience as Ganesh Ramsumair displays his unmatched determination, adequate wisdom his foreseeable success.

Perhaps the most noticeable characteristic in the novel's hero, Genesh Rasumair, is his ability to persevere.

His determination symbolizes the path towards success that many wish to attain. However success does not come easily. Throughout the novel, Ganesh faced countless obstacles. Such obstacles include his father-in-law, Ramlogan's continuous interference with his career or the not so well received books that he wrote. Despite of the hardships Ganesh encounters, he demonstrates persistency and eventually achieves his goal. Ganesh first shows his willpower as he declares "one day I will go write books just like these" (The Mystic Masseur, p.34). This commitment adds significance in Genesh's persona as well as his social status as he demonstrates superior knowledge and ambition that most of the Trinidarian would not be able to attain. However due to the Trinidadian's narrow-minded and pessimistic nature, they do account Ganesh's effort as a start of his success. This is shown as the boy at the print shop says "The number...