Running head: PSYCHOLOGICAL REVIEW OF LIE DETECTION Psychological Review of

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorCollege, Undergraduate February 2008

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Running head: PSYCHOLOGICAL REVIEW OF LIE DETECTION Psychological Review of Lie Detection Abstract The various methods and uses of lie detection in criminal investigations are reviewed. This is a comprehensive review focusing on three methods of lie detection: the polygraph, nonverbal cues and brain fingerprinting. These are all controversial forms of deception detection. As of today no test is foolproof and further testing should be conducted to improve the deception detectors. The information reviewed comes from published literature in the field of psychology and forensic science. The following review discusses the criticisms of the methods and looks at possible directions for future research.

Psychological Review of Deception Detection Lying and deception are an extremely common interpersonal experience. Nearly everyday, while carrying out interpersonal relationships, one can expect to either witness or be the conveyor of a deception. Quite often the lie or deception is of little consequence, and perhaps may even be expected due to societal norms.

Many can predict the consequences of an unpleasant truthful response to either a supervisors questioning of an employee regarding work satisfaction and their feelings about the management, or a spouse's loaded question, "do I look fat in these pants?. High stakes examples of deception, however, can have serious consequences for both the individual attempting to deceive and the victim of the deception.

During an interrogation of a suspect is one of the most serious of places where deception needs to be detected leaving little room for error. During the investigation it becomes the responsibility of the investigator to identify a guilty suspects deceptive attempts, while at the same time the suspect is strongly motivated, by the potential loss of freedom, to be an excellent deceiver. Unfortunately, it seems that due to the common usage of deception in our every day lives, individuals and...