It's all a game (poem)

Essay by Baby_Girl_AL December 2004

download word file, 1 pages 3.0

Downloaded 22 times

All my life so confused and so mad

Living in my dream its almost too sad

Scared to love and scared to hate

Keeping this promise i refuse to break

Searching for life no one will die

Give me your hand and to heaven we fly

Away from hurt away from pain

All terrible feelings are drained

Life is a game in which we choose to play

Thinking of things to do and say

Things go from bad to good

Not always turning out the way they should

Roll the dice once and then roll it twice

Make your move quick and make it precise

Keep on playing and maybe you'll win

Then your lovely life will truely begin

If you quit because you just can't decide

Well hey, that's committing suicide

Life is a gift to keep or return

Or in the dark flames of hell do you burn

Life is a shining star so bright

Yet it leaves me so alone in the deepness of the night

The heart keeps beating yearn aftery yearn

To many lessons in life to learn

Living in my dream its almost too sad

All my life so confused and so mad