
Essay by rocherayMiddle School, 6th gradeC, October 2014

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JianAn Luo

Surana Singh

Art history 110


Art of Ancient Near Eastern

Ancient near eastern art is an important part of art history. The period was begun around 2254 BCE, and the lands known as the "Ancient Near East" are today lran, lraq, and Turkey. Mesopotamia was this land called. It been composed seven civilizations: the Sumerian, the Akkadians, the Babylonians, the Assyrians, the Neo-Babylonians, and the Achacmenid Persian. According to Ancient near eastern art, there is a strong element of military in the art that these cultures produced. The land known as Mesopotamia was also a landscape of unpredictable weather, blistering heats, constant flooding, severe droughts, plagues of insects, crop blights, and so on. Despite these difficulties, it was still a very fertile land which did give rise to settled agrarian societies.

The major difference between prehistoric and Near eastern life was the East's desperate desire to civilize.

Mesopotamia of art history is one of the most influential regions, because it had many civilizations, and each civilization had its own art. The people of the ancient near East were polytheistic, meaning they worshiped several different Gods and Goddesses. The importance of deities came the creation of temples. These cities had temple complexes containing several different purposes such as: religious, administrative, and service buildings. The art produced influenced by these broad political events. Trading and accounting had a large impact during this time as well.