Same-sex marriages

Essay by NatalieC4444College, UndergraduateB, April 2004

download word file, 3 pages 3.8

Downloaded 61 times

What is a marriage? According to Merriam Webster Online, a marriage is defined as "the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law". A second definition states, "the state of being united to a person of the same sex in a relationship like that of a traditional marriage". By this definition, one would infer that this means that marriage is between two human beings. In the second definition it does not specify that it is recognized by law. My question is, "why not"? Among the many issues facing same-sex marriages there is the question of morality of this type of behavior, whether or not same-sex couples should be parents, and the legitimacy of the marriage.

The morality of homosexuality has always been a topic of question for many religions, organizations, and political parties.

Religions such as Catholicism and Mormonism disagree with homosexuality calling it an immoral act. (Turner) However, there are other religions that are more accepting of such an act. Why does God have to play into the role of human sexuality? He is part of people's lives and therefore, one can't be religious and gay at the same time. Organizations such as the Boys and Girls Club and Boyscouts of America are not accepting of homosexuality. There have been many instances where scout leaders have been let go due to their sexual preference. This is because people assume that homosexuals aren't fit to work with children. Politicians are usually the worst when it comes to their beliefs on homosexuality. On January 17th, the Catholic Church persuaded other Catholic political figures to disagree with laws having to do with same-sex marriages. (Rajan) The Republican party is against homosexuality. President George W. Bush...