Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 11th grade January 2002

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Satire is often used to bring about a change in something that needs it, or point out a foible in something that affects everyone, or a particular group of people. Whatever the case, satire is an effective tool for persuasion and provoking action. Both The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (HF) and Harrison Bergeron (HB) show satirical elements in everyday societies, but the impacts that these elements had on the societies were not always positive or ethical which showed that the purpose for these elements were not to show what to do, but to show what not to do by portraying the negative consequences of different topics of debate.

The satirical elements in HF were mainly concerned with the morals and ethics of society and how one should approach them logically and thoughtfully. One of the major satirical topics in the novel was about slavery and its institution to the society at that time.

One example of this is when Huck makes Jim lay down at the bottom of the canoe when they are floating down the river. This may seem strange, but it is to point out what the institution of slavery is doing to the black people of the time and is pushing for an abolitionist movement. It is this type of satire that makes Huck Finn one of the most provocative novels ever written because of the attention that it brings forth to the problems of the society at the time. Another concept that was satirically portrayed the emphasis on civilization and having good manners. This was shown at the beginning of the novel was Huck was taught to use good manners. This ended up making Huck even more rebellious and not wanting to be civilized. This shows the readers that more civilization and forced rules upon a...