Satire Writing vs. Factual Writing: A Comparison of Brave New World and All Quiet on the Western Front (Contains Bibliography)

Essay by sketchytwinkieCollege, UndergraduateA, January 2003

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Brave New World is arguably Aldous Huxley's most popular novel. Published in 1932 Brave New World has enjoyed immense popularity throughout three generations, and has been printed 27 times in the United States alone. All Quiet on the Western Front is Erich Maria Remarque's most popular novel, selling one million copies during it's first year of print (1928), as well as being translated into English and French within that same year. Both authors based their books on first hand experiences. Huxley's trip to America in 1926 led to the satirically drenched distopic environment of Brave New World, while All Quiet on the Western Front's horror got it's foundation in Remarque's four month stint on the western front during WWI. With these two books sharing similar hectic environments portrayed in two very contrasting styles, one must ask whether or not one style better suits the task. It is my opinion that using the model of Brave New World and All Quiet on the Western Front the satirical style of Huxley is more effective then Remarque's more factual style in describing their two distopic worlds.

Aldous Huxley once said, "Maybe this world is another planet's hell." Although I do not know whether or not he said this before Brave New World it seems to parallel the book nicely. Huxley's first two important novels (Antic Hay, published in1923, and Point Counter Point, 1928) express the despair and disillusionment of the post WWI period, Brave New World however was written as Huxley's expression of despair on man's inability to save himself from himself as he saw the growing trend of what he called "Americanization" throughout Europe during the late twenties, and early thirties. With this in mind, one could see that Brave New World is Huxley's version of this planet's hell. To...