Schoolies Week

Essay by amandachenUniversity, Bachelor'sC+, January 2007

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Schoolies Week on the Gold Coast is often seen as a fun time for students from Queensland and NSW, but not necessarily for the other holiday- makers on the Gold Coast. Using referenced sources and own experience if applicable, what are the motives for student to attend. Consider also the motives for other holiday-makers not to visit the Gold Coast during these two weeks.


This essay is about the holiday- makers conflicting with students from high school, for celebrating schoolies week in Queensland Gold Coast. Gold Coast is a premier destination to the Australian, therefore the schoolies week is normally held there. Schoolies week is a festival that stretches over a period of three weeks, whose main participants are year 12 graduate students from all over Australia. However, many issues occurred during this period, due to the students' behavior. As a result, the holiday-makers do not want to visit during this period while many students enjoy their time in Gold Coast.

The Gold Coast is one of the most popular tourists' destinations in Australia, which are filled with attractions such as theme parks, beaches and sunshine; hence it attracts more than 2.5 million visitors each year (Brown and Raedler, 1994, p16). The typical visitors are local students, families, elderly people, romantic couples and international tourists. The best time to visit Gold Coast is from September to February, because of the summer season. During the summer period especially late November and early December, it is highly populated by holiday-makers (Kenworthy, 1999). The reason being, tens of thousands of students will go to Gold Coast every year when they finish their last year in the High School, which is called: 'Schoolies week' (Smith and Rosenthal, 1997, p175). Schoolies week is a festival that stretches over a...