Scientific Management

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorUniversity, Master's February 2008

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The first real method of management was with the introduction of Scientific management by Frederick Winslow Taylor (1856 - 1915). Taylor converted the authoritarian and spasmotic approach to management of Victorian times to a rigorously authoritarian but systematic approach. Taylor tested his new theory of scientific management while working as Chief Engineer of Midvale Iron Works In Philadelphia. At this Iron works, as with many similar working venues of the time, workers would devise their own work methods to get things done. On average the workers were moving twelve tonnes of Iron Ingots per person per day. Taylor felt this was unproductive so he told Schmidt that if he was to do exactly what he said, moved when he said, rested when he said etc that he could double, even treble his income. With the implementation of Taylor?s idea Schmidt was soon moving forty seven tonnes per day. Taylor then tested this theory on the entire workplace and productivity increased in the same way it had when he tested it on Schmidt.

This resulted in less workers being needed and more pay for those who were needed.

Although getting paid more, the workers resented this style of management. The reason for this is because they did not appreciate being stood over, stopwatched and having quotas placed upon them while at the same time several of their colleagues were getting laid off top boost company profits. In Taylor?s defence, boosting company profits was his main aim and his reason for employment.

The effect of Scientific management was to break the work down into small tasks. As organisations would become larger and more complex, no single person understood the complete operation, hence it was necessary to hire experts for those areas. This became a benefit as you would have a specialist working...