Sea Turtle Conservation

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate April 2001

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Sea Turtle Conservation: Are Humans Really to Blame? It was a typical fifth day of June, hot and windy, in Bald Head Island as our church bus pulled in to the parking lot of the Sea Turtle Conservation Agency. There had been a lot of chatter on the bus about what to expect that day as we started our volunteer work with the sea turtles. As we went in the staff and our leader, Stacey, greeted us. From there, we were lead into a small conference-like room where we watched a slide show on what sea turtles' nests look like and what destroyed nests look like as well. It wasn't until after that devastating video of mangled turtle eggs and hatchlings that I realized something needed to be done about this serious problem. Therefore I was glad to be able to work with the nests that were in potential danger marking them, or in some cases moving them.

Even though this may not have made a huge difference, it did save those particular nests and eggs.

"All eight species of sea turtles are listed as threatened or endangered on the U.S. Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants List. It is illegal to harm, or in any way interfere with, a sea turtle or its eggs" (Sea Turtles 1). Despite the laws and regulations made to protect endangered and threatened species, specifically sea turtles, the numbers of sea turtles is continually decreasing. During the past three years in North Carolina alone there have been more than 1,840 documented killings of sea turtles (Austin). Although this may not seem like a lot of killings, North Carolina is not considered a major coastal state. So, imagine what these numbers are like in states like Florida or California.

A major issue that sea turtle...