Should children with ADHD be on Ritilan or similar drugs? Are psychiatrists using this to make money? Is ADHD diagnosis real or made up for the profit of greedy people?

Essay by TinaPattersonUniversity, Bachelor'sA+, October 2003

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It is far too easy for today's psychiatrists to label America's children with ADHD. Out of their own laziness and greed, these children are chemically straight-jacketed to shut them up or make it difficult for them to move. After many visits to these psychiatrists looking for answers, parents are finally persuaded to drug their children. While on these drugs, they are easier to deal with, only because they take away their personalities making them almost robotic as if they are not there at all. For this reason many parents have chosen to take their children off of these drugs. They have found out that drugs are not the answer.

Experts have hidden agendas behind diagnosing a child with ADHD. There isn't a single normal childhood activity that isn't considered a so called symptom of ADHD which include: inattention, hyperactivity, and inability to follow directions. If these are the criteria for ADHD, then every child in America should have ADHD. Psychiatry invented these criteria and is using it to manipulate society to addict our children to drugs. First psychiatrists convince the parents that their child has ADHD by suggesting that they have a chemical imbalance. The truth is that the only chemical imbalance there is, is the one caused by the Ritalin. Parents are also told that their children's grades will suffer without drugs. Teachers also play a part in labeling our children. If for any reason the teacher decides that there is a problem it is very difficult to escape being labeled. Normally these are the smartest and most active children in a class. In reality, no study has proven an increase in the learning ability for a child on Ritalin.

Obviously, today's treatments are not working in our society. Ritalin is one of the most...