Should special education students be accepted to learn in Mainstream Classrooms?

Essay by lboorsteinCollege, UndergraduateA-, April 2010

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Lauryn Boorstein

Professor Stifel

Reference Paper # 1


Should special education students be accepted to learn in Mainstream Classrooms?

In The Morning Call newspaper on September 13, 2009 Paul Carpenter published an article called "Short people need 'Inclusion' funds. The article describes the consequences of having special education students in the mainstream classrooms. Many parents who have children with special needs think that their children should be accepted into a regular mainstream classroom. On the other hand there are many people who feel that when special education students are in a regular classroom this puts a delay on the learning process of the students in the overall classroom.

In Carpenter's article he addressed a few constructive points on combining special education in the mainstream classroom. He states, "For a long time, intelligent and hard working students have been required to play on their intellectual keens to accommodate students who can barley add 2 plus 2 or read and write their own names (Carpenter)".

What Carpenter is referring to is that students who have the ability to learn quickly should not be held up by slower learners. Even though this may sound cruel, it is my belief that having special education students in the classroom can hold up the learning process for other students. In the article, Carpenter introduces his readers to Professor Robert W. Edwards of Hellertown. Professor Edwards had no problem throwing his true beliefs out there; even know it sounded very hurtful. He stated "Some children are born naturally smarter than others, and you cannot make a rocket scientist from an individual with a special education IQ (carpenter)." This statement may sound very pitiless, but it is the truth. Parents of special education children need to have an understanding and acceptance of their child. They...