Significance of The Battle of Taurs

Essay by RallschrJunior High, 9th gradeA, May 2006

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"For almost seven days the two armies watched one another, waiting anxiously the moment for joining the struggle. Finally they made ready for combat. And in the shock of the battle the men of the North seemed like North a sea that cannot be moved. Firmly they stood, one close to another, forming as it were a bulwark of ice; and with great blows of their swords they hewed down the Arabs. Drawn up in a band around their chief, the people of the Austrasians carried all before them. Their tireless hands drove their swords down to the breasts of the foe."

The Battle of Tours was indeed significant. Most historians agree that if this battle was won by the "invincible" Arabs, that a more dominant population of people in the U.S. and in the world would be Muslim. This battle was so significant to us today because had the Muslims not been stopped at Tours, then their religion would have greatly spread throughout Western and Eastern Europe and eventually to America.

Where the battle took place is still today, unknown, but historians suggest that it occurred at Tours or Poitiers. Both combatants chose to fight more on the defensive side of battle - to wait. Both sides waited for the other to attack, prolonging the battle for more than 7 days. Eventually one had to attack, and Abd er Rahman proved to be impatient. Abd er Rahman's impatience wasn't really what caused him to attack. What caused him to attack was that he and his men were not anticipating cold, and obviously were not well dressed for it. His men were partially drained from their previous battles and the cold began to set in. Abd er Rahman was also reluctant to battle because although he calculated wrong, he became...